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Jun 7, 2021
The Guy I'm Engaged to is a Porn Addict—Should I Marry Him?
Recently, a listener on our podcast—Porn, Betrayal, Sex and the Experts—submitted a message through She indicated that...

May 25, 2021
Do Most Porn/Sex Addicts Have the "Love Language" of "Physical Touch" ?
Recently one of the subscribers to my blog asked if most porn/sex addicts have as their primary love language, "physical touch." The...

May 17, 2021
What Got You Into Your Porn Addiction, Can Help Get You Out!
Whether you realize it or not, a lot of persistent and consistent behavior has built your porn addiction. You can learn how to take that...

Apr 13, 2021
Porn Addiction Can Destroy Your Self-Esteem and Leave you Hopeless!
When we attempt to overcome unwanted behaviors—especially porn addiction—and repeatedly fail, we’re often left with feelings of...

Apr 2, 2021
Porn Addiction Alters Your Brain—But You Can Reverse the Effects!
As I was looking over some of my files on the “science of addiction,” I came across an old Time Magazine article titled, ADDICTED: WHY DO...

Feb 17, 2021
He's in Porn Addiction Recovery . . . but What About His Thoughts?
Recently a woman reached out to me through my website with some very legitimate, intelligent, important questions. She's married to a man...

Feb 9, 2021
Why Would Your Husband Who Loves You, "Gaslight" You?!
"Gaslighting" is a term that is talked about a LOT in today's world. It is especially prevalent among men who struggle with pornography...

Jan 9, 2021
In 2021, How can We be Emotionally Healthy as Individuals and Couples?
2020 was a TOUGH year!!! We should all be wearing t-shirts with the slogan—"I survived 2020!" But already, it appears that 2021 could...

Jan 5, 2021
Forget "New Year's Resolutions"--they DON'T work!!! Try this instead.
Can you believe it—we're already into the first week of 2021! And how many of us have engaged in that old, traditional pastime of New...

Dec 18, 2020
How to Find Recovery & Healing Serenity while also dealing with Family Dynamics during the Holidays.
We all know that during the Holidays, time with family can be both an opportunity AND a challenge! Depending on whether these...

Dec 15, 2020
It is SO Easy to Get Off the "Recovery Rails" during the Holidays!
How many times have you eaten a whole pumpkin pie, downed a full bottle of Martinelli's or binge-watched Net Flix literally all weekend...

Dec 13, 2020
Preparing for and Managing Porn Addiction Triggers During the Holidays!
The Holidays can be a time of HUGE EMOTIONAL TRIGGERS—both good and bad. In fact, the Holidays are really designed and intended to ignite...

Dec 4, 2020
When Marriage Expectations Collide with Porn Addiction Recovery and Betrayal Trauma Healing.
How do we balance our expectations for the mending of our marriage relationship with the ups and downs of recovery from porn addiction...

Nov 18, 2020
Pride, Shame & Trauma—the Destructive Triad in Marriage
In my own addiction, recovery and healing, and working with people across the globe, I have come to recognize and understand a...

Nov 17, 2020
When we say, "Man Up"—What does that REALLY Mean?
The term "man-up" has many different meanings in our society today. If for the meaning you look to Hollywood, the mainstream media,...

Nov 17, 2020
We Can Get "Stuck" in Betrayal Trauma Pain! How Can we Heal and Move Forward?
Because of my own decades of addiction, my wife suffered a great deal of Betrayal Trauma. There's a very special place in my heart for...

Oct 28, 2020
Do "Sexual Entitlement" and a Healthy Marriage go together?
Recently, a friend asked me a question that I've been asked my many women over the years. She prefaced the question with something like:...

Oct 23, 2020
With Porn Addiction Recovery and Betrayal Trauma Healing—Honesty is EVERYTHING!
LYING was a HUGE part of my addiction years and early recovery. There were many "layers" to my lies. Some were obvious, but many were at...

Oct 23, 2020
What "Choices" do you have in Porn Addiction & Betrayal Trauma?
For much of my life, I lived in "victim mode" and ran around spouting off cliches like, "I'm a realist," and "It is what it is," and...

Oct 6, 2020
In Porn Addiction or Betrayal Trauma—Is God Your Problem or Your Solution?
There can be a BIG difference between "religiosity" and "spirituality." When it's unhealthy, religiosity can create a significant WALL...
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