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Oct 28, 2020
Do "Sexual Entitlement" and a Healthy Marriage go together?
Recently, a friend asked me a question that I've been asked my many women over the years. She prefaced the question with something like:...

Oct 3, 2020
If Porn Addiction is Under Control and Betrayal Trauma is Healing Well—are Boundaries Still Needed?
I have emphasized many times in these blog articles and constantly with my clients, just how critical HEALTHY BOUNDARIES are to porn...

Oct 1, 2020
I'm Not Sexually Attracted to My Spouse—Is Our Marriage Over?
Our Sexualized Culture Can Convince Us that "Sex" is Everything in a Marriage We live in a society that often shouts the message that...

Sep 29, 2020
Engage in Difficult Conversations to Enjoy TRUE CONNECTION!
Contrary to popular beliefs, our most difficult conversations can be the MOST CONNECTING if we can learn HOW to use some simple...

Sep 8, 2020
If Porn Addiction and Betrayal Trauma have put your Marriage in Crisis—Can it be Saved?
Porn addiction and Betrayal Trauma plunge a marriage into pain and chaos! After years of "negative relationship patterns," we get to a...

Aug 27, 2020
The Difference Between "Healthy Attraction" and "Porn/Sex Addiction"
By Divine Design we are built to feel natural, healthy attraction for other human beings. In fact, there is more real estate in the brain...

Aug 18, 2020
Pornography Addiction Relapse—the Impact on Your Marriage and Breaking Free from the "Relapse Cycle"
What happens when you face a "Pornography Addiction Relapse"? The Fallout of Relapse— For the Porn Addict: Hopelessness, shame,...

Jul 28, 2020
Can I Regain My Wife's Trust? How Can I Dare to Trust Her?
There are two big concerns that often occupy the thoughts of married men who are in recovery from porn and sex addiction— Can I ever...

Jul 14, 2020
Marriage Relationships with "Boundaries" LAST—Even in the Midst of Porn Addiction & Betrayal Trauma
For your marriage relationship to not only survive but most importantly THRIVE, you must have healthy "boundaries"! This is certainly...

Feb 17, 2020
Healing Your Marriage After Porn—Conflict is NOT the Enemy!
Porn addiction can devastate a marriage! Yet, there IS healing after porn! In this process, CONFLICT is a given and is NOT the enemy!

Feb 16, 2020
Is Your Porn Addicted Husband "Gaslighting" You?
A husband addicted to porn will often go to great lengths to keep his use hidden from his wife, including using "gaslighting."

Feb 11, 2020
Collaborative Conflict is Essential to Real Intimacy in Marriage
Most of us avoid conflict at ALL costs, but "collaborative conflict" is an essential part of real intimacy in marriage.

Feb 5, 2020
His Porn Addiction and Her Betrayal Trauma—Part Three
When there's betrayal trauma in marriage due to one spouse's porn addiction, setting "sexual boundaries" is critical to the healing process.

Feb 4, 2020
His Porn Addiction and her Betrayal Trauma—Part Two
Betrayal Trauma has a massive impact on a woman’s sense of self-esteem and worth: Personal inadequacy (physical, emotional and sexual)—“I’ll

Jan 28, 2020
His Porn Addiction and Her Betrayal Trauma—Part One
You are NOT going crazy! The roller coaster ride of emotions you're feeling is normal.

Jan 23, 2020
Does Great Sex with a Partner Cure Porn Addiction?
Many who struggle with porn use believe that once they're married the problem will naturally go away. This is nearly never the case! Why?

Oct 1, 2019
Is Porn Tearing Your Marriage Apart?
This is NOT a trial you asked for! No woman says "I do" expecting to deal with a situation of this magnitude. And it's NOT your fault!

Sep 2, 2019
Your Husband Is a Good Man... So Why is He Trapped in Porn?
There Are Three Primary Reasons...
And They May Not Be What You Think . . .
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