There can be a BIG difference between "religiosity" and "spirituality." When it's unhealthy, religiosity can create a significant WALL between us and our recovery and healing. Our concept or interpretation of God can create shame and a feeling of "I have to PROVE myself in order to call upon His grace and help.
In actuality, God's love and acceptance of you and me is UNCONDITIONAL and right there waiting for us 24/7 regardless of our successes or mistakes-—NO MATTER WHAT!
To truly progress in recovery and healing, it often becomes necessary to engage in a raw and real "personal God assessment." And through this assessment we may come to realize that in order to progress it becomes necessary to FIRE OUR FALSE GOD and "HIRE THE TRUE GOD."
Below is a recent PBSE podcast episode where Mark and Steve talk raw and real about their personal "God journeys"—how God operated in their lives BEFORE recovery and healing (crazy dysfunctional!)—and how their God relationships evolved in ways that literally "saved" their lives and marriages.
In many cases, "religiosity" which is often very different from "spirituality" can have a dramatic impact on keeping us stuck in addiction. Check out this article—https://www.reclaimcounselingservices.com/lds-porn-addiction-help
When an addict spouse is "gaslighting" you, it can be very difficult to trust in your own "spiritual insights and promptings." This article might help—https://www.reclaimcounselingservices.com/is-a-porn-addict-gaslighting-you
Porn and sexual addiction rob us of the deep spirituality that should exist in a healthy marriage relationship—even spirituality in the physical/sexual aspects of our relationship. This article may provide some valuable in sights—https://www.reclaimcounselingservices.com/true-intimacy-vs-sex-in-marriage