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Is Your Porn Addicted Husband "Gaslighting" You?

Updated: Feb 25, 2020

When a husband is trapped in porn addiction, there is nearly always a HUGE amount of shame and fear that weighs heavy on his shoulders.This is especially true of men who are religious and follow a faith. For example, I work with many LDS men who struggle with porn addiction. Men can can be so terrified of "being discovered, he will go to great lengths to keep his porn use a secret.

One strategy that many men will employ to one level or another is called "Gaslighting." This ploy is intended to deflect any suspicions that a wife might have about her husband's porn use. He tries to "manipulate her mind" so that she questions her own inspiration and intuition; doubt her own reasoning and deducing; and even take her to the place where she feels like she's going crazy!

For a more in-depth look at this crazy strategy, check out the article on "Gaslighting"--

There is always a justified FEAR that a husband's porn addiction will destroy the marriage relationship. This is definitely a possibility, yet there is great hope. This article will give you some critical insights into how you can rescue your marriage from the devastation of pornography—

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