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Preparing for and Managing Porn Addiction Triggers During the Holidays!


The Holidays can be a time of HUGE EMOTIONAL TRIGGERS—both good and bad. In fact, the Holidays are really designed and intended to ignite some powerful emotions within us! When these emotions are negative or stressful, they can lead an addict or individual in recovery down the path to escape, avoidance and self-soothing through Internet Pornography.

A primary key for staying "sober" during the Holidays is to recognize and learn HOW to deal with Holiday triggers in a healthy way—

- First of all, assume that holiday triggers are going to happen--so, look for ways to normalize them.

- Practice the art of being with your emotions instead of always having to do something about them; fight with them or fix them.

- Learn to step back and become a watcher or observer of your emotions as opposed to being lured in by them. Stand back and calmly analyze your feelings—"What are my emotions specifically and why am I feeling this way? What is that about and why am feeling it? Keep playing this "what and why" game of discovery until you get to the rock bottom emotion. Then you can look at healthy ways to address and move through it.

- As we say, "The opposite of addiction is NOT sobriety; it's CONNECTION!" During the Holidays, look for lots of ways to CONNECT with people who truly care about you.

- As opposed to pressing down, denying or defending your emotions, OWN them; allow yourself to feel and accept them. And allow OTHERS to do the same.

- You may need to let go of certain unhealthy Holiday traditions that trigger you and replace them with healthy ones.

- Being emotionally triggered during the Holidays is inevitable. Always have a HEALTHY "escape plan" ready for emotional emergencies.

In this PBSE Podcast, Mark and Steve talk raw and real about HOW to deal with Holiday triggers in healthy ways that will keep you sober—

Here's an article about healing Betrayal Trauma—

Want to learn more about HOW to break free from porn?—

Wondering if your marriage can survive porn and sex addiction? This article will give you some hope—

How can you "heal" your marriage relationship?—

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