In this "real-life" story, Mark shares how a humble, open and very brave religious leader dared to share his past struggles with pornography. In doing so, he opened the door to Mark's courage and paved the way to a path of recovery and lasting freedom from decades of hopeless addiction.
We never know how our openness and willingness to take off the mask of secrecy can literally rescue another from the hell of addiction!
For more PBSE podcasts, visit the website at: https://www.pbsepodcast.com/
You CAN break out of secrecy about your Porn struggles--even disclosing to your spouse!!!—https://www.reclaimcounselingservices.com/no-more-secrets-in-your-marriage
You don't need to keep putting off getting help with your porn addiction. You CAN STOP WATCHING PORN!—https://www.reclaimcounselingservices.com/post/how-can-i-stop-watching-porn