Anyone who's been trapped in porn addiction knows the confusion and frustration of the "big mystery"—"Why do I keep going back again and again to the thing that is destroying my life and most cherished relationships? Why can't I just leave it alone for good?!" Why many struggling individuals don't realize is that pornography radically rewires the brain! Here are some insights that will help in your awareness and your fight to break free from porn addiction—
- After a porn-viewing session, the addict often slams his fist on the desk and cries out, "What in the @#$%! was I thinking?" The neuroscience says, "You weren't thinking and even worse—you couldn't!"
- There is a specific kind of "Addiction Cycle" that drives porn use. It starts with an initial trigger; then goes into preoccupation; followed by ritualizing; which leads to acting out; resulting in pain/remorse. This cycle repeats itself over and over again for years and decades.
- There is a PORN FUNNEL the viewer enters, usually triggered by "BLHASTed" feelings—bored or burned out; lonely; hungry; angry, anxious or afraid; stressed; or tired. When entering the Funnel, a massive wave of powerful chemicals release in the brain, blocking out all logic, reasoning, caring and consequences—in essence the viewer throws everyone and everything he cares about under the bus! Once he reaches climax, he emerges from the narrowest part of the Funnel into the bottom half where the "dialogue from Hell" hits--"What was I thinking?!"
- Much of the battle to escape the grasp of porn is won through gaining the knowledge and becoming "self-aware" and MINDFUL of HOW porn impacts your brain and WHAT you can DO to intervene for yourself in that process.
For more on the Brain Science of Porn and Sex Addiction, check out this article—Brain Science of Pornography Addiction
To view a cool video about "your brain on porn," visit this link—Your Brain on Porn
If you are LDS and struggle with unwanted porn use, here's an article that can help you—LDS Porn Addiction Help