For much of my life, I lived in "victim mode" and ran around spouting off cliches like, "I'm a realist," and "It is what it is," and "Things never change, so why bother?!" As INSANE as it sounds, over decades of healing and recovery, I've learned that much of my TRUE POWER resides in this bold claim: "Acceptance is the answer to many of life's problems."
In the porn addiction recovery and betrayal trauma healing worlds, there's a special prayer that is often recited. It's called the Serenity Prayer. In essence, it inspires us to take 3 simple steps—
- Embrace serenity in accepting the things you can't change;
- Muster the courage to change the things you can;
- Find the wisdom to know the difference!
Here's a recent PBSE podcast episode where Mark and Steve get super raw about their experiences with "choosing life," or letting "it choose you."
Learn why his porn addiction and the Betrayal Trauma it brings is NOT YOUR FAULT—https://www.reclaimcounselingservices.com/his-porn-addiction-not-your-fault
Find out HOW Porn use can easily turn into a "Drug Addiction?—https://www.reclaimcounselingservices.com/is-pornography-a-drug-addiction